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Chandra Aiesha (ChaCha) is the primary practitioner at Queen By Nature Wellness and International Retreat Facilitator and founder of Wellness Vacay Retreats. She believes all women are Queens by Nature, and we should honor ourselves as such.  Chandra has served the last 19years as a nurse, which has been a very rewarding experience for her. Being in a position to help others is something she takes pride in. Nursing, practicing as a Womb Practitioner, and facilitating Wellness Retreats has allowed Chandra to advocate for her clients, hold space and provide quality services to suite their individual needs.


She has worked on almost every floor in the hospital, in clinics, schools, many high profile and celebrity homes. This is mentioned to share that she maintains the privacy and dignity of her clients through every stage of their journey. She is patient, She is Caring, She is Trustworthy and She is conscious of her role to serve others. 


Chandra has carried a long passion for Holistic Health and became extremely passionate about Women's Wellness when she realized how many women, herself included needed more attention focused on their womb health.  She started studying holistic, historical, and kemetic women's wellness practices on her own in 2014, and began routinely yoni steaming in 2016. She is all about knowing your body, and how to care for it or "Healing Thyself" as Queen Afua would say.


Through the teachings of Queen Afua (Completed Queen Afua's 12week Rites of Passage Program, has held Sister Circle's in her home with Queen Afua. Queen Afua's Open House  at QBN Wellness), Nubia Sutton ,  her Goddess network, Tracey Bryant Swint and her Womb and Yoni Steam Practitioner training at Love My Womb Academy Chandra has allocated many tools to assist herself and other women with optimal womb wellness. She want's to help women reconnect with their wombs, release traumas, and learn how ritually caring for your womb can change your life. 



Meet ChaCha

My Specializations


Wellness Workshops

Custom Herbal Blends

Womb Stimulation & Detox

Sacred Space Facilitator

Rhythm & Flow

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