Yoni Steaming

What is a Yoni?
Yoni is a Sanskrit term meaning "vagina" or "womb" in addition to place of birth, source, & origin. It was a word that represented beauty, power and the amazing ability of the female body to bring new life into the Universe.
A Yoni Steam is powerful tool known for women’s vitality in nourishing and rejuvenating the uterus, regulating irregular cycles, reducing menstrual pain and imbalances and supporting fertility and reproductive health. Many women enjoy yoni steaming because it supports spiritual and emotional cleansing and healing by reconnecting a woman with her feminine center and Inner Woman. Respected and practiced by women and holistic healers around the globe, yoni steaming is the ancient practice of allowing the warmth and benefits of an herbal steam to softly permeate the exterior of the vagina.

What will happen?
You'll talk with your Steam Practitioner who will determine the mix of herbs used for the steam tailored to your specific needs. When ready you'll be given a steam gown and take your seat on the steam chair. The practitioner will check in with you for comfort and bring you tea, Once you are cozy and comfortable it is time to savor the steam and relax.
Many say its like hovering over a humidifier, or steaming your face during facials. You'll sit in a comfy chair, with a sense of a pleasant warm steam traveling into the body, sipping on a cup of tea. It is your choice whether you read, journal, meditate, set intentions or enjoy the stillness during steam session.

Photo of our portable Yoni Stool on trip in Bali
The Benefits of Yoni Steam
Heat supports opening and releasing. The moist heat softens the womb and the tissues, increases vital blood flow and supports your womb in releasing any stagnant blood that may have built up.
Self-Care Practice: A wonderful way to connect with your body, and rejuvenate the mind, body, and spirit.
Menstrual discomfort, imbalances and clots: Your cycle should flow easily and without clots, which is often not the case. Having 1-3 Yoni Steams the weeks leading up to your cycle are recommended. The warmth of the steam aids in cleansing and nourishing the uterine membranes. It’s important to know that healthy menstrual blood flows easily, in a bright red color with no clots.
Fibroids and Cyst: Yoni steaming has been known to soften, and diminish the symptoms of both fibroids and cyst, and also alleviate womb discomfort.
Fertility: If you are actively trying to become pregnant, you can use the Yoni Steam to support you during this time. It is recommend to steam pre-ovulation phase up until ovulation. Yoni steaming helps to create uterine membranes that are moist and receptive for conception to happen. Do not steam after possible conception.
Postpartum: Practicing Yoni Steaming after birth brings nourishing heat, supports the body to release fluids, and aids the womb in shrinking back to pre-pregnancy size. For caesarian births, wait until you’ve healed before attempting to steam. Please wait until 6 weeks after giving birth to start steaming.
Post miscarriage: Yoni Steaming is nurturing Ritual to aid in emotional balance and reconnecting to your womb. It may support your body in cleansing. Yoni Steam is recommended once your bleeding has stopped.
Pain, tightness or cramps during intercourse: Yoni Steam is very soothing, and the heat is known to relax tightness in the pelvic muscles. You are encouraged to practice mindful to deep breathing exercises while steaming for these conditions.
Menopause & Peri-Menopause: Yoni Steaming is know as a great tool to stimulate circulation and support your womb even when your cycle is slowing. For menopausal women, yoni steaming is nourishing and will revitalize vaginal tissue, improve vaginal dryness, and help with the change of season.
Post Hysterectomy: The heat and warmth of a yoni steam is soothing, and therapeutic therapy for scar tissue, and can be a wonderful way to connect with your femininity.